How Bad Do You Want It?

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The Power of Desire in Commission Based Sales

I think one of the main reasons that some people are more successful in commission sales than others is that they simply want it more. I strongly believe that if you want something badly enough and you're willing to pay the price in advance, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Let's be reasonable, though. No, you're not going to become an NBA player or the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. But for things that are knowledge-based, like sales, which require hard work and basic common sense, you can learn what you need to and apply it to become successful. However, you have to truly want it. You need to study, put in the hard work, and deal with adversity.

Desire Can Drive Sales Success

Here's an example of the power of desire alone: maybe this is the wrong analogy, but if you were about to go into your next sales lead, and I said, "Look, if you come out without making a sale, your life is over." Now, if you believed me, what do you think the chances are that you would make that sale? I think they would be very high. Your skill set hasn’t changed, but purely based on desire, I know you would make that sale. That's what desire alone can do.

You need to want it the way a mother would protect her child. What would she go through? How intense would she be? That’s why it’s not uncommon for some of the most successful salespeople I’ve trained to be single mothers trying to take care of their children. They didn’t have as much sales experience or ability as others I trained, but the fact that they wanted it so badly made them successful. They studied harder, worked longer without complaining, and in the end, were more successful than so-called seasoned sales veterans I’ve trained.

The Willingness to Pay the Price

Everyone can be successful, but the reason many people aren't is that they're not willing to put in the effort and pay the price necessary to gain that success. They haven’t found something they want badly enough to make them do that.

Success requires payment in advance. If you don’t know enough, you can study and learn enough to become successful, but you have to be willing to put in the work. So, if you're not a single mother taking care of a child, you need to find something you want badly enough to motivate you to that level. You need to figure out how you can increase your intensity to succeed.

Goal Setting in Commission Based Sales

The easiest and most obvious way to do that—and you’ve heard people talk about it all the time—is to set goals. That’s the subject of another video, but most people don’t know how to set and apply goals. Let me put it this way: if you can’t show me your written goals with a time frame, you don’t get it. It’s funny, but it’s not about monetary goals, like making $100k a year. It’s about what you want to do with that $100k a year that has power. It’s not enough just to say you want to make $100,000 a year. $100,000 is just a pile of money that means different things to different people.

Finding the "Why" Behind Your Goals

Who has a greater chance of success? The one who wants to make $100,000 a year because they think it’d be nice? Or the one who wants to make $100,000 a year so they can never have to say no to the people they love? Or the one who wants to take care of their children the way they deserve? Or the one who wants to make $100,000 a year so their retirement will be whatever they want, not one on a strict budget? You get the idea. Don’t just figure out what you want—figure out why you want it.

The people who make $100k a year want to make $100k a year and won’t settle for anything less. If you want to make $60,000 a year, you’re never going to make $100,000 a year selling on commission.

Maximizing Your Potential in Sales

In its simplest terms, people who make $100,000 a year and people who are successful in life are the ones who want it more than those who don’t. Most people don’t realize the potential they have. They say that a person only uses 10% of their brain. What would happen if they used 50% of their brain? Another way of looking at that is people only use 10% of their potential. So, if 10% of their potential is $50,000 a year, what would 50% of your potential be?

The only way you’re going to use that potential is to find something you want badly enough that you’re willing to do whatever it takes. And when you do that, you’ll get what you want. That’s why people say it’s not what you want, but why you want it that has the power. That’s the true motivation. Anyone can be motivated when things are going well. But when things go bad, as they will in life, only the people who want something so badly and are willing to fight through whatever it takes to get there are the ones who persist and are successful.

Persistence in Commission Based Sales

Persistence is the key, and that won’t happen without desire. That’s why you’ve heard the saying, “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” What do you think separates the two? The one who doesn’t quit has something they want so badly that they won’t stop until they get it. That’s where you need to be, especially if you’re selling commission-based products, because you get paid based on your results, not your activity. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.

But the funny part about that is, once you make the commitment that you’re willing to do whatever it takes—80 hours a week, morning to night, blood, sweat, and tears—you’ll find that you never have to do whatever it takes. But if you try to make getting what you want conditional, it won’t work. Success is not conditional. It requires an unconditional commitment to get what you want. It’s hard, but it’s not that hard. I always say, if we could put a man on the moon, you can sell somebody a home improvement in their home.


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