How to Push Over the Edge When Closing Home Improvement Sales!

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Understanding the Final Close Moment

Here’s the setup. You have gotten excellent rapport with your customers. You have sold them on doing business with your company, they want your product, they can see the value and you have made it affordable to them. All their questions have been answered and they are right on the edge and you just can’t quite push them over it. The point I’m describing is that after all of this, they aren’t really saying yes and they are not saying no. They are right on the edge. Has this ever happened to you? Well, you are in luck because today we’ll cover some things that I worked for me in pushing them over the edge when it could have gone either way. It doesn’t matter if it is a one-call or 2 call close you still always reach this point. People always talk about whether it’s a one-call or 2 call close. Yes, some home improvement sales have to be a two-call close because you have to come back after you figure out the price for something complex like a kitchen remodel or something high ticket like 50k plus. I get it.  The point is that whether you are there the first time or the third time you still always reach a point where the price is on the table and you have to learn to consummate the order. You still have to learn to get the sale. Here are three things I have used that have helped me make a lot of money and get the sale so please listen to the end. By the way, if you like these videos please subscribe, or for more free training check out my home improvement sales blog listed below in the description.   

1. Just Ask for the Order

Simple But Effective Closing Questions

The first thing that will help push them over the edge is to just ask for the order. They aren’t saying yes and they aren’t saying no. Or they’re not saying anything. That’s the time to ask for the order. The one I use the most is just “So can we earn your business”.  It has been around forever and that’s because it works. Here are some other closing questions that I’ve used that have worked well if they are just on the edge and need that extra nudge.

One I like is a gentle push... Do you mind if I make a suggestion? …. You want it, you need it and you can afford it. Why don’t you just do it? I have found this to be very effective as a low-pressure high-pressure. Don’t forget to be quiet until they respond like anytime you ask for the order.

Another closing question I have had success with is...If you don’t mind me asking… What would be the worst thing that could happen to you if you did order it now, save the most amount of money, and start enjoying your new windows sooner rather than later? If they can’t come up with an answer then I ask for the sale again.

Handling the "Still Looking Around" Objection

Now if they are suggesting that they still looking around but almost like they are just procrastinating and don’t really mean it and If I have a good rapport and that this particular sale call ran longer than normal I’ve closed people by just saying…If I could be frank do you really want to go through this all again with someone else?

What I’ve found is that it isn’t necessarily what you say but that you have something to say so you are asking for the order again but in a different way. I’m sure you’ve heard that people usually buy after the 5th time you attempt to get the order. I remember a client I sold where she just kept almost going around in circles. Every time she had a concern I handled it but she still wasn’t going ahead with it. The final close was…….. Correct me if I’m wrong….I know you want to do this so bad that you can taste it..why don’t you tell me what you want to hear...I can tell you then you can get this over and done with. Then she smiled and said okay let’s just write it up.

2. Giving Customers Space to Decide

When to Step Back and Let Them Talk

The second way that can help push someone over the edge is when you are seeing more than one person and you may need to give them time to talk it out among themselves. The two customers are sitting there, and you sense that they are not comfortable talking in front of you are not everything is coming out. I might say “ Look if you don’t mind I want to start to put my equipment/samples back in the car and while I’m doing that why don’t you talk in private and then when I come back you can tell me what you want to do okay?” I know this is what’s needed because I’ve actually had the customers do this to me where they said. “Look do you mind if we talk in private about this for a few minutes” Then I’ve told them the same thing about putting my things in the car. I’ve also told people that I have to make phone calls and that when they were ready just to text or call me so they don’t feel rushed. If you are going to do this it usually works better if you know one person is sold and they are the stronger one if you are seeing two people. That way they can talk the other one into it in a more effective way than if you were sitting there in front of them staring at them. When they’re by themselves the wife could say “Look I want this end of story unless you want to sleep on the couch”.  Way better close than you could ever use 😊 

Avoid Overusing This Strategy

Be sure you don’t overuse this strategy though. I have seen new salespeople who barely try to close and then always say “okay I’m going to the car so you guys can talk about it”  because they don’t know what else to do. When done right you should be doing this as the last resort after you have tried everything and you are in the situation I just described.

3. Wanting the Sale More Than They Can Resist

Persistence Overcomes Hesitation

The third thing and it may sound simple but ultimately you pushing them over the edge just comes down to you wanting it more. Wanting it more makes you stronger than them. Look at it this way. If before you went into the home for whatever reason you thought your life would end if you didn’t come out with a sale. What do you think your chances of making that sale would be? I would say pretty good no matter what your skill level was with that level of motivation.  You want the sale more than they can resist you. It’s 11:00 at night and you are both tired. The person who is more focused and stronger will win that battle. Not in a pushy way but in a more persistent way. Nobody likes pushy and that’s for amateurs and is way different than being persistent.

The Balance Between Pressure and Persistence

Persistence and skill are what allow you to stay close for 20 min plus after you deliver the price and the customer doesn’t feel pressure. Great salespeople have what I call a good hang time in the close. If the customer is feeling pressured or you do it in a way where you lose rapport you are doing it wrong. Keep in mind that that if they don’t want it none of this will work or should even be used. This is for where the customer needs and wants the product. You are helping them.

These techniques are not for you to high-pressure the sale.

Conclusion: Helping Customers Get What They Want

 Great salespeople understand that this a process and when done right all you are doing is helping the customer get what they told you they wanted. People don’t buy they are sold. But sold with integrity, professionalism, and helpfulness. If you want more information like this be sure to watch the video above on Why Silence Is the Best Closing and the playlist on closing.   Happy Selling


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