Home Improvement Sales Tips

Home Improvement Sales Tips: The Power of Asking Questions
Selling home improvements is all about asking the right questions and securing commitments, not just telling your customers what they should want. In this article, we’ll explore four essential home improvement sales tips that can help you increase your sales and boost your income. Be sure to read all the way through to get the full benefit of these tips.

How to Use "Why" in Home Improvement Sales Techniques
One of the most effective words in sales is "why." This simple word can reinforce commitments, amplify buying statements, and even help you close deals. When used strategically, it can make a significant difference in your success. Below, we'll cover how "why" enhances various stages of home improvement sales techniques.

Sales Closing is Overrated (But There Are Still Things You Need to Know)
When it comes to closing sales, it’s not just about the final moment. Many salespeople ask, "How can I become a better closer?" But the reality is, closing becomes easier when the customer genuinely wants the product. In fact, the more they want it, the less you need to rely on closing techniques.

Your Blueprint to Sales Success in 4 Easy Steps
Success in home improvement sales tracking requires a structured approach, and here’s a proven plan you can follow to achieve consistent results.

How To Deal With Multiple People In The Home (Customers and and Third Parties)
When you visit a home and encounter people other than the primary customer, it’s essential to adapt your approach. Here are some valuable tips for overcoming sales objections when dealing with input from multiple individuals.

Selling Tips For Non English Speaking Customers (Also Using A Translator)
In-home sales in fun because everyday is different. Selling to non english speakers can be done with a translator. Or English is not their primary language and they are speaking to each other in a different language while you are presenting. Here's some tips on things that have helped me.

How to Effectively Use Features and Benefits in Home Improvement Sales
In selling features and benefits home improvement sales, it’s crucial to understand the distinction: features describe what a product is, while benefits explain what it means to the customer. Most importantly, features don’t sell—benefits do.

Understanding Price is a Perception in Home Improvement Sales
The most important concept to understand in price perception home improvement sales is that what the customer believes something should cost is influenced by the information they’ve gathered. In other words, price is a perception shaped by the details and comparisons the customer has received.